Saturday 7 June 2014

You are already dead and buried if you fear failure

Amazingly too many people fail because they fear to fail.

Just think about it. How did You and every toddler of the human race learn how to walk? How do major discoveries and breakthroughs in research happen? It is all about trying and failing and trying again and basically failing your way to success.

I used to have this thriving business where I appointed a promising young employee to help me manage things. Everything was going well until we entered a tricky phase of fierce competition from copy cats who plagiarized our unique marketing approach. I had arrived at our unique and effective marketing system after many failed experiments. Now what we needed was urgent development of new ways to deal with the evolving situation and that meant going back to the drawing boards and failing our way back to success.

Immediately I noticed that the promising employee was so terrified of failure that he was looking for a drawing board solution guaranteed to work. That in itself is hardly feasible. How do you get anything to work without muddying yourself with the practical nuts and bolts of it?

I also discovered something else. In his stint as a promising manager he had all along been playing to the gallery. Decisions were made based on how impressive they would look to those who were watching.

Horrifyingly this is exactly the way many businesses in Kenya and elsewhere (that happened not to be very successful) are run. Instead of asking the question “how will we improve our profits?” it seemed that the key question was “how will we impress as much as possible?”

Safaricom for many years consistently the most profitable enterprise in East and Central Africa has tried and failed in many projects. Remember the Ujamaa phones? I was recently told that that the failed business cost the cell phone company a huge loss running into millions. Today Safaricom continue trying many things and they continue to thrive.

Google always has dozens of projects in development stage (at least 100) all going at the same time. In most cases none will be implemented and sometimes it takes several batches of 100 to find just one winner. Many would view this as a reckless waste of company resources. But you can bet that it isn't.

Always embrace failures as vital and inevitable stepping stones to success. Try and learn as much as you can from them and keep trying until you hit the jackpot. That is the way it is done. In fact it is the only way to true success.

Take seriously the words of Sergey Brin co-founder of one of the most successful business enterprises in the history of the human race. He said the only way to have success is to have many failures first. Meaning that if you are not ready to fail then you will never EVER achieve your true potential.

Incidentally is the fear of failure the reason why you have not yet tried this revolutionary affiliate program? Food for thought huh?

Thursday 5 June 2014

Change your mood first if you want to change your life

You have arrived where you are today because of the choices you have made in your life thus far. Very true. BUT what exactly influences your choices? You are wrong if you think intellect has anything to do with it. It is all about your emotions and the mood that rules you.

Actually human behaviour is fascinating and can only be described as bizarre. We go through life trying very hard to justify our decisions with reasons that are as clever-sounding and as reasonable as possible. The truth is that we make most of our decisions based on our emotions and we then try desperately to justify them using logic. Here is a tragic typical example to drive my point home.

You choose to marry Angela instead of Jane who loves you to bits and whom you truly have feelings for just because you are in the mood to please your dad who worships university graduates and poor Jane didn't go beyond high school. That's the blunt truth but what do you tell your friends? 

"I really get turned on by a woman who has brains". "I Love Angela" "She is just right for me". One divorce later you still insist that it was Angela's fault and go on and on about how she messed up your life etc.

Now why did this guy decide to mess up his life by pleasing his dad? It happens that growing up he was the despised son. Hated and always punished as his siblings were favored. So he made it his life's mission to prove his dad wrong and succeeded big time. The other favoured siblings ended up greatly disappointing and so this guy lives his life to please his dad at all costs with mostly tragic consequences. (By the way, never ever marry a woman for the neighbors or your friends… not even for your dad or mum.)

I am sure you have heard this thing about humans being emotional decision-makers said many times already but chances are that you have never considered the fact that our emotions of the moment are always driven by our moods. The decision you will make when you are in a bad mood is very different from the decision you make when you are in a bubbly good mood. There are many factors that determine your mood, the most deadly is of course your past. There are folks who are permanently in a bad mood because of something that happened 30 years ago.

What’s your controlling mood just now based on your past? Be very careful if you fall under any of the following  categories;

- You are frustrated, disappointed and bitter because you have not reached anywhere near the high goals you set when you left school. The result is that you go through life being bitter and sceptical.

- Some girl or boy dumped you and you have been bitter and angry at life and everybody for the last 20 years.

- You can’t understand why all the guys you used to beat in class hands down are now doing much better than you are in life and are extremely successful while you remain a failure.

Well, I can’t change you. Nobody can. Only you can. My advise is that you focus on where you are going to live the rest of your life which is the future. Most of all don’t allow your decisions to be ruled by your emotions. Indeed you will never be able to see the opportunities that are right before you even now if your mood is all wrong. Now that has to the scariest thing of all because it means that you are trapped in your current situation by your mood.

Will you miss this golden opportunity to start making some money on-line just because your mood (based on your past) tells you to ignore such opportunities? Start by reading what others have to say about this life-changing internet opportunity. You DO NOT need to be a Kenyan to join this program. Open to all citizens of planet earth.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Zoom Past the Confusion - How to Choose the Right Affiliate Program For You

Expert Author Tomas LodenOne mistake people make is that they pick a product or service where they really have no idea what it does or how to promote it.
They have no idea on how to answer questions and they just don't have any enthusiasm for it, if you don´t have any enthusiasm for what you re doing then it's gonna be hard to stick with it for a month or two month's. You really have to pick something that you at least have a little bit of interest in and can see your self actually writing about, maybe creating some videos or audios for the next year.
It is important that you find a topic which interests you so try to pick programs and products that suit you best. If your in for sports look for sport products, if your in to golf pick a golf product. You just really need to pick something that you enjoy waking up and doing every day. That's a mistake many makes, they promote a product for the wrong reasons.
The easiest way to make money in affiliate marketing is by promoting products and services that interest you. Yes, you can make money in niches that you know nothing about, but it's always easiest to get started by promoting things you have an interest in. Promoting a product or program your are more passionate about is easier then promoting one for the sake of earnings only.
You don't have to be an expert in your niche. Simply having an interest or a desire to learn more about something is enough.
By the way, There's a guy online right-now spending 1.000's of dollars searching for the best places for you to send your advertisements. And he's sharing his test results for FREE! => Ad Test Lab []
"Discover How Anyone Can Send Ads To Places With Already Proven And Tested Results!"... Which ad sources earned money and which ad sources are totally wasted. Which type of web site pulls in the most orders per visitor? Which type of AdWords ad pulls in the most orders per visitor? Where and Where Not to Place Your Ads for Maximum Results! ...and much, much more! Website Marketing Strategy []

Article Source:

Two Great Affiliate Money Making Ideas

Since the early days of the World Wide Web affiliates have taken the internet by storm and the best of them usually earn the sort of incomes that the majority of folks can only dream about. We are talking five or even six figures. Yep, zero mingi kwa pay cheque.

In this article we examine some of the best affiliate money making ideas.

One of the best affiliate money making ideas is to join an affiliate program selling a product that you already use a lot. Or one that uses a platform that you are already very familiar with e.g. Facebook. What this means is that you are not only assured of affiliate sales, but you are also in the best position to be able to understand the typical customer for the particular affiliate program since you are already one. The advantage here is that you are then able to come up with the best way of reaching potential clients and customers for the affiliate program as well as knowing what you need to do to quickly grow your affiliate income.

Then there is the other extremely powerful idea that many affiliates use as the best way to make the most of both worlds. That is while selling their own product, they use the best affiliate programs to earn extra money on the side as they build up traffic to advertise their own business.

These are just two of the best affiliate ideas that are being used by many affiliates to earn amazing incomes online.

You can enjoy both advantages by joining an affiliate program that will give you your first earnings in minutes. See FULL details HERE.

Monday 2 June 2014

What Those Who Have Tried The Vitabu Unlimited Affiliate Program Have To Say (negative and positive).

It is simple and it works. If you can use a cell phone then you can work with this program with your eyes closed. Kudos Vitabu Unlimited.

- Joel, Nairobi -

I didn't like it because it is different from other affiliate programs I have joined in the past. No affiliate links and no dashboard to show my cumulative earnings daily. Low-tech affiliate program.

- Ibrahim, Nairobi -

I have been struggling trying to make money online for a very long time and in the process I have lost a lot of money being disappointed sending cash to people who never deliver on their promises. So you can imagine my joy when I was able to make money within 5 minutes of signing up and I paid ZERO Kenya shillings to join. The Vitabu program is too good to be true BUT TRUE.

- Esther, Nairobi -

10 bob per short post is very little money although everything is done for you and all you need to do is cut and paste and add a word or two. Can you increase the payments to a minimum of 50 shillings per post? Pleeeease??

- Ndeti, South B, Nairobi -

Amazing, just totally amazing. I have fun on FB and I make money at the same time. I can easily do 100 status updates per day maybe 200 if I am serious. That is 2000 bob a day at Kshs 10 per post and 60,000 per month without counting the bonuses. Insanely cool!!

- Mwandawiro, Diani, Mombasa -

Chris I bought your book HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE FAST and was impressed by all the innovative techniques and ideas I learnt from you. It took me months to master some of the skills. Are you now telling me that all that knowledge and time spent is totally wasted and that I should now start working on this jinga over-simple cut and paste program???? Get serious dude!!!

- Annonymous, Nairobi -

What I like most about the Vitabu Unlimited programme is the fact that I can make good money even as I learn a lot about online marketing and exactly what to do to market successfully. Priceless for the day I launch my own business. Learning while postponing earnings to when you learn enough was too hard for me. Thanx for this great affiliate program.

- Joy, Seychelles -

Kindly add your own HONEST views on the Vitabu Unlimited affiliate program below. You might need to JOIN the program first.